
Xbox One production quietly ended a long time ago



Yesterday, we learned that Sony continued production of PS4 to 2022. It is a different situation in Xbox HQ, because Microsoft has stopped production on all Xbox One consoles. This is not new, because Microsoft has revealed that it stopped production on the final Xbox model at the end of 2020.

That is what the company said in a statement to the threshold, however. “To focus on the production of Xbox Series X | S, we stop production for all Xbox One consoles at the end of 2020,” said Senior Director Marketing Xbox Console Products Cindy Walker said in the statement.

Microsoft actually ended the production of one-digital Xbox One X and Xbox in July 2020, a few months before the Xbox Series X | S was launched in November that year. At the end of 2020 rolled around, the only Xbox One console left to be stopped was the standard Xbox One, and that was what Microsoft did.

Usually, we see a lot of overlap between the console generation, with platform holders often choose to continue production on their older consoles as the adoption of their new console rises. Sony did this with PS4, told Bloomberg yesterday that “there will always be a crossover between generations.”

For Xbox, the crossover is very short. So why various approaches to a new generation of Microsoft and Sony? There is some reasons. For starters, Playstation 4 is one of the best-selling house consoles of all time, being one of a few who sell more than 100 million units throughout the world.

Xbox One, compared, is an underwhelming seller. Microsoft stopped reporting regular sales figures through the last generation, but the latest updates we received came in Interview GQ 2021 November with Phil Spencer, which placed a total of 51 million. That means that the Xbox One sells less than half the total units sold by Playstation 4 throughout his life.

So, Microsoft might stop producing Xbox One Consoles because when the Xbox Series X | S relves hit, Xbox One’s sales are very slowed. On the other hand, Sony might see how well Playstation 4 sold all his life and thought it could get several solid sales years from the platform.

But there are others – stronger reasons for Microsoft to stop the sale of Xbox One so fast after the arrival of a new console, and that’s the Xbox Series S. at $ 299, the Xbox All-digital series occupies the same point Xbox One is used to occupy. The Xbox series has also been easily obtained for most of these generations, so with all that in mind, there are not many reasons for Microsoft to continue producing the Xbox One console.

Even though it was not surprising, this was still confirming that the Xbox One died, at least from the standpoint of production. Of course, Microsoft is likely to support the console for years to come (Xbox 360 is still supported through the Xbox Live, for example), but the company is done to make a new Xbox One console and has long enough.

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